Taste of Burgenland

Burgenland Cuisine

The Burgenland cuisine originiated from the Kingdom of Hungary, where it was heavily influenced by the Croats, Serbs, Slovaks and Germans. Some of their typical dishes include. We asked people in Eisenstadt and teachers from our school, which are from Burgenland about their favourite dishes and as a follow on project we plan to cook these dishes. (Valentina)



Main courses 

  • Bohnensterz – something, you find only in Burgenland
  • Stuffed peppers – stuffed with minced meat and rice (side dish: potato and tomato sauce) 
  • Grenadiermarsch – dish made of potatoes, fleckerln, onion, paprika powder and pieces of sausage 
  • Krumpangulasch – potato goulash 
  • Martinigansl – roasted goose – mainly eaten on 11 November at Martinmas -> St. Martin patron saint of Burgenland 
  • Paundlstea’z – bean mushroom 

Sweet dishes 

  • Gitterkuchen – the Burgenland version of the Linzer Cake
  • Kardinalschnitte
  • Lekawartascherln – dumplings filled with powidl 
  • Martinikipfel – croissants made of yeast dough (November 11) 
  • Esterházy Torte – cream cake 
  • Hullaschoiba’l – baked elderflowers sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon  



500 g flour, 0,25L water, 500 g beans, 1TL salt, 2EL lard


Flour dry linden (brown), add beans, water and salt, add lard, 

Ready to eat!



300 g flour, 125 g soft butte,r200 g sugar, 125 g hazelnuts, 1 egg, 1 pinch of ground cloves, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. gingerbread spice, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 ½ tablespoons cocoa powder, milk as needed, 1 tablespoon rum or kirsch (if desired), jam


Prepare a smooth dough from the ingredients and set aside a handful of dough. Press the remaining dough into a greased springform pan and smooth the bottom. Spread the jam over the top, preferably with a palette, and use the remaining dough to form lattice bars and the edge. 

Bake the lattice cake at 160 °C for about 30-40 minutes, remove and let cool. … Have fun!



Meringue: 7 egg whites, 1 pinch of salt, 150 g sugar

Sponge cake: 5 yolks, 2 eggs, 70 g sugar, 1 package vanilla sugar

80 g flour, powdered sugar

Filling: 300 ml whipped cream, 1 package vanilla sugar, 1 package cream stiffener, 30 g sugar, jam



Meringue mixture: beat egg whites and salt for 1 min, add sugar for 2-3 min until the mixture is stiff. Sponge mixture: beat yolks and eggs with sugar, add vanilla sugar beat for 2 minutes, add flour and gently fold in. 3 strips of meringue with piping bag on baking tray (3 times). Squirt the meringue mixture between the strips of egg whites dust with powdered sugar. Bake it at 160 G top and bottom heat for 20 minutes

Filling: Whip cream and sugar, add cream stiffener and vanilla sugar and whip until creamy.Spread layers with strawberry jam, Spread filling evenly. Repeat for 2nd layer and finally put 3rd layer on top as a lid and sprinkle with powdered sugar



180 g bacon, 500 g Fleckerl (Pasta), 1 onion, 2-3 teaspoons sugar, 1 small cabbage head, 125 ml water and 125 ml white wine, salt, pepper, 4 teaspoons caraway seeds, fresh parsley


Cut the head of white cabbage and 1 onion to small pieces. In a large pan caramelise the sugar, add bacon and onion, cook on medium heat until onion is brown and soft. Add 4 teaspoons caraway seeds. Add cabbage, wine and water. Cook it until the cabbage is soft and brownish. Add salt and pepper. In the meantime boil the Fleckerl al dente. Mix Fleckerl and cabbage and sprinkle with parsley. Ready! 



2 chickens, 2 onions, oil, 40 g sweet peppers, 600 ml water or soup, 250 ml sour cream, 40 g wheat flour, 1 tea spoon of concentrated tomato, 125 ml of single cream, lemon juice, lemon zest.


Divide the chicken into quarters. Season with salt and gently fry in hot oil. Panfry the onions in the chicken stock and stir in the paprika. Immediately pour on water or soup. Add the tomato concentrate and grated lemon and add salt. Add the chicken pieces. Mix the flour and sour cream. Stir it and let it boil for some minutes. Then stir in the single cream. Strain the source through a sieve and add lemon juice. Place the chicken onto a plate, add the source and serve it with small „Spätzle“.

Gebackene Grammelknödel mit Tomaten Dill Kraut


filling: 60 g onions, halved, 1 clove of garlic 200 g grams, ½ tsp salt, 1 pinch black pepper, ground, 20 g clarified butter

1000 g water, 1 ½ tsp salt, 500 g potatoes, floury, in pieces (2 cm), 40 g butter, soft, in pieces, a little more for greasing, 3 egg yolks, 200 g wheat flour, stiff, a little more for the work surface, 40 g durum wheat semolina, 1 pinch nutmeg, eggs, flour and breadcrumbs for baking


Prepare the dough for the grammel dumplings – steam the potatoes, peel, strain while still hot, knead with all the ingredients and leave to rest for 30 minutes. Heat the oil and fry the onions until golden brown. Chop the grams slightly, add the onions, salt and pepper and form 8 balls. Form the dough into a roll and cut into 8 pieces. Flatten the dough balls and roll them with a rolling pin, place the grammel balls on top, cover with dough and seal. Bread the dumplings with egg flour and breadcrumbs. fry them in hot fat.

Serve with a tomato and dill slaw.

Burgenländischer Semmelkren / Hochzeitsmenü


6 pcs stale bread rolls, 3 tbsp butter or lard, 1 clove garlic, 5 tbsp horseradish, freshly grated, 1 pinch of salt, 1 l beef stock (possibly a little more), 1 tbsp chives, chopped for sprinkling. 


Slice the bread from the previous day and slowly fry in butter or lard over a low flame until golden, stirring several times. Pour in the hot soup and remove from the heat. Carefully mix the freshly torn horseradish and the finely chopped garlic clove into the breadcrumbs and season with salt. Under no circumstances should the breadcrumbs be pureed or whipped cream be stirred in. Let the bread horseradish simmer again for a short time, stirring carefully from time to time. Pour in a little more soup if necessary. Sprinkle with fresh horseradish and chives before serving.

Usually the Semmelkren is served with beef at weddings.

Somlauer Nockerl


5 pcs eggs, 0.5 pk baking powder, 180 g granulated sugar, 150 g flour (plain), 60 g cocoa powder, 1 cup whipped cream, 1 pk vanilla sugar, 250 ml water, 250 ml rum, 3 tbsp sugar, 150 g sultanas, 1.5 l milk, 80 g icing sugar, 80 g vanilla custard powder (2 packets)


Beat the yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar for a few minutes until foamy. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold in alternately with the flour and baking powder. Mix half of the batter with the cocoa powder. Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the light and dark batter side by side on it. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Remove from the oven and leave to cool well. For the glaze, put the water, rum, sugar and sultanas in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Leave to cool and strain the sultanas. For the vanilla cream, mix the milk with the sugar and custard powder and bring to the boil. Stir again and again, simmer for a few minutes. Then leave to cool. Place the light sponge mixture in a large loaf tin, spread the sultanas on top and pour the vanilla cream over it. Place the dark sponge mixture on top and cover with the icing. Leave everything in the fridge for 4 hours. Cut out dumplings with a large spoon and arrange them in portions on a plate.




250 g butter, 8 yolks, 3/8 litre milk, 1/8 litre rum, about one kilo of flour, about 1 kilo apples, cinnamon, sugar.


Melt the butter in the milk, „cool“ it down a little with the rum and then let it cool down a little more. The liquid should not be too hot. Mix the flour and yolks in a food processor, gradually add the milk-butter mixture and knead into a dough. Peel and grate the apples and season with cinnamon – and sugar if desired. Cut off equal parts of the dough and form into rolls. Cut off approx. 2 cm thick slices and roll them out oval. Fill with 1 tbsp apple mixture and fold together. Press the edges together or seal with the pastry wheel. Bake the balasn floating in hot fat and sprinkle with icing sugar.


Grammel pogatscherl


500 g flour, 1 piece of yeast, 200 ml milk, 2 tbsp white wine, 2 tbsp sour cream, 2 tbsp lard, 2 tbsp egg yolk, 1 tsp salt, 250 g grams (chopped), 1 egg to coat


Mix all the dough ingredients to make a yeast dough that is not too soft, using the dough hook. Let the dough rise for half an hour, then knead in the chopped grams. Roll out and fold like a puff pastry, leave to rise for 10 minutes. Repeat this process 3-4 times. Then roll out the dough to a thickness of approx. 1.5 cm, lightly score it with a sharp knife in the shape of a diamond and cut it out with a round cutter (4.5 cm). Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper, brush with egg, pepper if necessary and bake at approx. 200°C for approx. 15 minutes.

Kürbisstrudel / Kürbisfleck
buča fleck


2 pcs eggs, 80 g flour, 200 g sour cream, 4 sheets strudel dough, 1 onion (small), 200 g curd cheese (fine), 30 g butter, 500 g pumpkin (butternut, delicata, hokkaido, hubbard), 1 pinch of salt, 1 pinch of pepper, 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds, 1 dash of oil, 1 pinch of parsley. 


For the pumpkin strudel, quarter the pumpkin, peel, core, grate and salt. If you are using a Hokkaido for the strudel, you don’t need to peel it. Then heat the oil in a pan and roast the pumpkin seeds in it and dab with kitchen paper. Now finely chop the onion and sauté in butter with the parsley. Squeeze the pumpkin rasps through a tuck or with your hands and add them. Sauté over a low heat, season with salt, pepper and caraway seeds, then leave to cool. Then separate the eggs into yolks and whites. Mix the butter with salt and nutmeg. Stir in the curd cheese, sour cream, yolks, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin flakes. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold in with the flour. Melt the butter and preheat the oven to 180°C (top/bottom heat). Spread the melted butter on a strudel sheet and place a second sheet on top and spread with butter again. Put half of the pumpkin mixture on one side of the pastry, fold in the edges of the pastry and roll up the strudel. Do the same with the second strudel as with the first and bake for about 45 minutes until golden…